Jon K. Okami LMT, CMLT, BS
To provide a high quality massage experience focusing on my client's needs using skilled, intuitive, and healing touch.

Contact Information




The address is:

3400 Harbor Avenue SW, #452

Seattle, WA     98126

  • I am located in the Activspace building in West Seattle. If you are driving, you will have to park on Harbor Avenue, as parking is not allowed in the building lot without a permit.
  • I do not have a waiting room in my office space, so you will have to arrive close to your appointment time.
  • There is an elevator in the parking lot (in the enclosed area of the building). Just press,”00452" on the keypad, I will buzz you in, and take the elevator to the fourth floor; take a left off the elevator and an immediate left down the hall and proceed to #452.
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025  Jon K. Okami LMT, CMLT, BS.  All rights reserved.